VII Encontro Brasileiro de Integridade em Pesquisa, Ciência e Ética em Publicação (VII BRISPE)


Dear Parcipants, you are on the payment platform for registration to the "VII Brazilian Meeting on Integrity in Research, Science an Ethics in Publication (VII BRISPE)"


 Biannual meeting on policies and research in the field of scientific integrity and publication ethics.



OBS: Não efetuar PIX pelo CNPJ.
- Fundação COPPETEC
- CNPJ: 72.060.999/0001-75
- Banco do Brasil, Ag. 2234-9, c/c: 31.229-0



Congress beginning day: 
Congress ending date: 
The VII BRISPE has been organized since 2010, with UFRJ (IBqM and COPPE) as the main organizer, in collaboration with several institutions in Brazil. The theme of the seventh edition, to be held on December 5-6, is "Research integrity and generative AI: Navigating new ways of doing and communicating research".


Conference Fees:
Pesquisador/Professor Ensino Superior
Until - 31/08/2024 BRL 350.00
After - 31/08/2024 BRL 470.00
Profissional da Educação Básica - Professor / Pós-Graduandos [em instituições brasileiras]
Until - 31/08/2024 BRL 150.00
After - 31/08/2024 BRL 200.00
International Participants I
Until - 31/08/2024 BRL 1,350.00
After - 31/08/2024 BRL 1,997.00
International Participants II

(Low and middle income countries)

Until - 31/08/2024 BRL 810.00
After - 31/08/2024 BRL 1,188.00
International Students
Until - 31/08/2024 BRL 270.00
After - 31/08/2024 BRL 405.00
Limit Date for Registration: 

The subscription period for this congress is closed!

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