National Congress of Management and Accounting - AdCont 2017


The National Congress of Management and Accounting (AdCont) is an event of great technical-scientific significance for the national and the state of Rio de Janeiro academic community, promoted annually by the Post-Graduate Program in Accounting Sciences of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). This event allows the interaction of researchers and professionals, teachers and students, providing an exceptional space for dissemination and discussion of research and relevant technical-scientific production. It seeks to establish a link between academic studies and practice in organizations, enabling participants to deepen their focus on these issues. The AdCont Congress comprises lectures and panels with national and international speakers, workshops and thematic sessions on current topics relevant to the area (with scientific and technical works), especially for students and professors of master and doctorate levels, but also for scientific initiation.


IAG - Escola de Negócias da PUC-Rio
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 - Gávea
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - CEP 22451-900

Congress beginning day: 
Congress ending date: 

In 2017, the 8th Edition of AdCont is co-organized by the Postgraduate Program in Administration of PUC-Rio. The event also hosts publishing awards promoted by the Regional Accounting Council of the State of Rio de Janeiro - CRCRJ (Contador Geraldo de La Rocque Award and Contador Américo Matheus Florentino). The event also seeks to keep the collaboration with the Master in Accounting Sciences program of UERJ (EMeCC) in its 19th. Edition. 
This year, the event will also host the I EMAN (Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting Network) Brasil - Regional Americas. The 2017 AdCont Congress will promote an unprecedented partnership between Graduate Programs of three different educational institutions (UFRJ, PUC-Rio, and UERJ), CRCRJ, and an international research institution in the field of sustainability, EMAN.

Conference Fees:
Professor, practitioners and general public

OBS: Valor da inscrição acrescido do valor de R$ 10,00, ref. a taxas administrativas adicionais.

Until - 12/10/2017 BRL 310.00
After - 12/10/2017 BRL 410.00
Students in Doctorate and Master courses

Vinculados a qualquer IES OBS: Valor da inscrição acrescido do valor de R$ 10,00, ref. a taxas administrativas adicionais.

Until - 12/10/2017 BRL 210.00
After - 12/10/2017 BRL 310.00

Vinculados a qualquer IES OBS: Valor da inscrição acrescido do valor de R$ 10,00, ref. a taxas administrativas adicionais.

Until - 12/10/2017 BRL 70.00
After - 12/10/2017 BRL 90.00
Limit Date for Registration: 

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